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Decentralisation Programme.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 May 2004

Thursday, 20 May 2004

Questions (113)

John Bruton


113 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the implementation plan for each Department or agency under his aegis which is to be decentralised; the costs associated with the plan; and if any alteration will be needed to the multi-year financial projections of the Department or agency in question to meet any such costs. [14994/04]

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The decentralisation implementation group, established last December by the Minister for Finance, recommended in its recent report that each Department-agency should prepare its own implementation plan for decentralisation, covering human resources, accommodation and business issues, and incorporating specific risk assessment and mitigation strategies. The Department of Foreign Affairs is currently preparing such an implementation plan for the decentralisation of its Development Co-operation Directorate to Limerick. The plan is due to be submitted to the Department of Finance by the end of the month.

The Office of Public Works is responsible for the provision of office accommodation and the decentralisation of the Development Co-operation Directorate is not, therefore, expected to involve any significant additional costs for the Department.
