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Departmental Committees.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 May 2004

Thursday, 20 May 2004

Questions (117)

John Bruton


117 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he has appointed an audit committee for his Department; its members, charter, number of meetings to date; if it has issued any reports to him or to the Secretary General. [15465/04]

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My Department's audit committee was appointed in October 2003 for a period of two years. There are four committee members, three of whom were appointed in October 2003 with a fourth person appointed in May 2004. The four members, whose commitment and work is greatly valued, are: Fr. Gerry O'Connor, chairperson, Professor John Jackson, Mr. John Pittock and Ms Valerie Little. The committee operates under a written charter and have held six meetings since its appointment. The committee has not to date issued any reports to either myself or the Secretary General of the Department.
