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Strategic Management Initiative.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 May 2004

Thursday, 20 May 2004

Questions (199)

John Bruton


199 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the action taken by his Department on each recommendation of the PA consultancy report on the implementation of the strategic management initiative. [15030/04]

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The new SMI vision statement, strategy and action programme to 2007 being developed by the implementation group of Secretaries General will set out the next phase of the modernisation programme in the Civil service. The outline of this new vision statement and action programme for the civil service is reflected in the modernisation programme set out in the Sustaining Progress social partnership agreement. This modernisation programme has been informed by the outcome of the evaluation of the strategic management initiative as set out in the PA consultancy report.

In accordance with the terms of Sustaining Progress, modernisation action plans were prepared by my Department and associated bodies in the justice and equality sector last year. These action plans set out the specific progress to be achieved by my Department and these bodies on a wide range of modernisation initiatives such as, customer service, efficient use of resources, financial management, new technology and eGovernment, human resources, performance management, equality of opportunity etc. These action plans were published on the Department's website, following their approval by the appropriate independent performance verification groups, PVGs, established under the Sustaining Progress agreement.

The first set of progress reports on implementation of these action plans were submitted to the PVGs at the end of last year. The PVGs decided, based on the progress reports received, that the progress achieved by my Department and sectoral organisations on modernisation warranted payment of the pay increases due from 1 January 2004 to all staff, with the exception of grades in the Prison Service represented by the Prison Officers Association, in respect of which a decision on whether payment is warranted has been deferred. Again, all of these progress reports have been published on the Department's website.

The second set of progress reports on these action plans has recently been submitted to the relevant PVGs and decisions in relation to whether payment of the next pay increase due under Sustaining Progress from 1 July is warranted is expected shortly. It is intended to publish the second set of progress reports on the Department's website when the PVGs have made their decisions.

The considerable progress reported on modernisation in these progress reports demonstrates my Department's commitment to advancing the modernisation programme under Sustaining Progress across the justice and equality sector as a whole and, thereby implementing, as far as possible, the recommendations of the PA Consulting report. Key areas where progress has been achieved by my Department on modernisation include, the more efficient use of financial, staff and IT resources, enhanced customer service, better staff training and development, further developments of partnership, regulatory reform and commitments in the area of equality of opportunity.
