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Schools Building Projects.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 25 May 2004

Tuesday, 25 May 2004

Questions (186)

Jack Wall


201 Mr. Wall asked the Minister for Education and Science the position of a school (details supplied) in County Kildare in relation to a proposed extension; if an application has been made; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15635/04]

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An application for major capital improvement works has been received from the management authorities of the school in question.

The 2004 school building programme has now been published and full details regarding individual projects are available on my Department's website at On the basis of the funding allocation and the competing priorities for that funding, it was not possible to include the school in question. However, a key strategy for building projects going forward will be grounded on the budget day announcement of multi-annual allocations for capital investment in education projects. All projects that are not going to construction as part of the 2004 school building programme will be re-evaluated with a view to including them as part of the multi-annual building programme from 2005 onwards. I expect to be in a position to make a further announcement on this matter during 2004.
