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Schools Amalgamation.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 May 2004

Wednesday, 26 May 2004

Questions (134)

Pat Carey


148 Mr. Carey asked the Minister for Education and Science the progress which has been made in progressing the amalgamation of the junior and comprehensive schools in Ballymun, Dublin 11; if he is considering, as an outcome of this amalgamation, that one of the vacated schools become a centre for adult and community education; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15827/04]

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The process of amalgamating the three comprehensive schools in Ballymun is being actively supported by the school planning section of my Department. The amalgamated school will be located in the junior school complex, which is currently listed in the capital programme for 2004 and it is expected that the refurbishment project will be completed for September 2005.

No decisions have been taken regarding the future use of the buildings that will become surplus to requirements.
