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Assisted Human Reproduction.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 May 2004

Wednesday, 26 May 2004

Questions (47)

Joe Sherlock


56 Mr. Sherlock asked the Minister for Health and Children the progress made to date by the commission on assisted human reproduction which was established in March 2000; when he expects to receive the report of the commission; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15605/04]

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The commission on assisted human reproduction was established in March 2000 with the following terms of reference: "to prepare a report on the possible approaches to the regulation of all areas of assisted human reproduction and the social, ethical and legal factors to be taken into account in determining public policy in this area."

The first commission meeting was held on 26 July 2000 and the most recent on 15 April 2004. I understand that the commission has adopted an interdisciplinary approach to its work. Initially, each discipline — medical, legal, scientific and social — prepared a report outlining the current position within that discipline regarding assisted human reproduction. Work groups were then formed to examine specific topics and issues that needed to be addressed. The work groups meet on a regular basis to discuss their tasks and to progress the work of the commission. The work group structure facilitates close attention to a relatively limited range of topics by a highly specialised group. It also facilitates the detailed exploration of a range of ethical and social implications that arise from assisted human reproduction.

The commission organised a one-day conference in Dublin Castle in September 2001. The conference dealt with the social, ethical and legal factors inherent in assisted human reproduction. It provided an opportunity for an exchange of views between experts in the various fields from Ireland, the UK, France and Germany.

When the commission was set up, I indicated that it would be required to seek submissions from the public and to consult appropriate interests. To inform itself on the current state of public opinion in Ireland on assisted human reproduction, the commission placed an advertisement in the newspapers inviting interested members of the public, professional or voluntary organisations and other parties who wished to do so to make written submissions before Wednesday, 31 October 2001. Over 1,600 of these were received and examined.

The commission has engaged in a number of information gathering exercises that included: survey of assisted human reproduction services provided in specialised clinics — a survey instrument was drafted by the commission with a view to establishing the extent of the provision of assisted human reproduction services in Ireland; survey of GPs — the commission issued a survey instrument to a random sample from 50% of GPs in all health board areas and a high proportion of those surveyed responded; survey of obstetricians and gynaecologists — the commission also issued a survey instrument to obstetricians and gynaecologists to elicit information on their level of involvement in assisted human reproduction services; survey of public attitudes and opinions — the commission has also surveyed public attitudes and opinions on a range of questions related to assisted human reproduction.

I understand the commission is nearing completion of its work but, given the complex ethical, social and legal implications that arise, it is not possible to say when it will be in a position to finalise its report.
