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Rail Network.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 May 2004

Thursday, 27 May 2004

Questions (76)

Michael Ring


48 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Transport the plans he has to progress the western rail corridor in view of the strategic rail review; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15769/04]

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Following a series of consultations with local interests, on 6 May last I announced the formation of an expert working group to examine in detail the potential for developing the western rail corridor. The group is composed of representatives of a wide range of organisations with an interest in this development, including county councils, regional authorities, county development boards, the Western Development Commission, Irish Rail, the Railway Procurement Agency, the Department of Transport, West on Track and the inter county rail committee. I am very pleased that Mr. Pat McCann, chief executive of the Jury's Doyle Hotel Group, has agreed to chair the group. I understand that the first meeting of the group will be held in Galway in the coming weeks.

Question No. 49 answered with QuestionNo. 26.