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Social and Affordable Housing.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 1 June 2004

Tuesday, 1 June 2004

Questions (333)

Seán Crowe


353 Mr. Crowe asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if funding for RAPID areas will be made available to South Dublin County Council to improve the overall standards of local authority housing in its RAPID areas; the amount of funding available; and the Government Departments, which funding will be coming from for this proposed work. [16244/04]

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My Department approved South Dublin County Council's proposals in July 2003 for the refurbishment of houses situated in RAPID areas. This approval allows refurbishment of 100 houses at Cushlawn Park, 100 houses at Shancastle and Greenfort Estates and 113 houses at Moorefield Estate under my Department's remedial works scheme at an estimated cost of over €8.6 million. While there are no further proposals in my Department from the council, it is expected that further phases of refurbishment works will be proposed when this first phase is nearing completion.
