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EU Directives.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 1 June 2004

Tuesday, 1 June 2004

Questions (351)

Paddy McHugh


371 Mr. McHugh asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will liaise with the Department of Agriculture and Food to ensure that the organic nitrogen application limits to be included in the Government’s nitrates action programme be set at 250kg N per hectare thereby recognising that Irish farming is grass based livestock farming, unlike farming in other EU member states which have highly concentrated arable and livestock production systems; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16619/04]

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I refer to the reply to Question No. 388 on 25 May 2004. I am in continuing contact with the Minister for Agriculture and Food about the implementation of the nitrates directive. It is the Government's objective to ensure optimal, least-cost arrangements for compliance thereby protecting the environment and the interests of those farmers whose activities will be affected. It has been clarified by recent judgments of the European Court of Justice that the directive requires the application of a general landspreading limit of 170 kg of organic nitrogen per hectare per annum, save where a derogation has been granted. The action programme now being prepared must reflect this requirement. In parallel with its submission to the European Commission, the Government will ask the Commission to consider our proposals to apply higher limits, up to 250kg per hectare, in accordance with the commitment given in Sustaining Progress.
