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Departmental Administration.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 2 June 2004

Wednesday, 2 June 2004

Questions (86)

John Bruton


76 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Taoiseach the work that is completed by the audit committee in his Department in examining the implementation of his Department’s risk management strategy in accordance with paragraph 6.51 of the Mullarkey report. [16871/04]

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A steering group, with members from across my Department, has been established to develop and implement a risk management system in my Department in line with the recommendations of the Mullarkey report. Guidelines for the implementation of risk management have been drawn up and a number of pilots are due to be undertaken shortly to test the operation of the model in practice. The results of these pilots will be used to finalise the risk management model which will be submitted to the management advisory committee for approval and subsequently implemented across the Department. The role of the audit committee will be to examine the risk management system when finalised and, on an ongoing basis, monitor its implementation in the Department.

Questions Nos. 77 to 79, inclusive, answered with Question No. 74.