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Prison Visiting Committees.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 3 June 2004

Thursday, 3 June 2004

Questions (184)

Jim O'Keeffe


180 Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views on the statement in the 2003 report on the Mountjoy visiting committee that padded cells continued to be used on a regular basis; the number of persons held in padded cells at Mountjoy in 2003; the longest period of continuous confinement in a padded cell at Mountjoy in 2003; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17129/04]

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During the year 2003, special cells were used on 428 occasions in Mountjoy Prison. In 95% of cases the time period was less than two days and the longest period was 14 days at the direction of the prison medical officer.

It is important to note that these cells are not used for routine detention or punishment purposes. The need to use them arises when a secure, safe place is required where prisoners can remain under special observation with minimal opportunity to cause damage to themselves or to others.

An implementation group set up in the prison service to determine the most appropriate redesign for the traditional padded cells and other related matters has completed its deliberations and have presented revised guidelines for the future use of these cells. In this regard, Mountjoy Prison is in the process of developing two cells in the base area of the prison based on the guidelines of the expert group.
