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Asylum Applications.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 June 2004

Tuesday, 15 June 2004

Questions (442)

Mary Upton


491 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding an application for humanitarian status for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 8. [17360/04]

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The person concerned, a Romanian, entered the State on 4 May 1998 and claimed asylum. He was refused refugee status and notified of this on 25 August 1998. He appealed this decision. On 11 August 1999, he was informed that the appeals authority decided to uphold the original decision and to refuse his appeal. On 18 January 2000 he was notified that the Minister was proposing to consider his deportation in accordance with section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999. Following consideration of the person's case file and representations submitted on his behalf, a deportation order was signed in respect of him on 6 March 2000.

Judicial review proceedings were initiated against this decision. On 18 September 2001, the person was informed that as a result of the Supreme Court judgment in the P, L & B case delivered on 30 July 2001, letters similar to that sent to his legal representative on 18 January 2000 may not have complied with the requirements of Section 3(3)(a) of the Immigration Act 1999. Accordingly, the Minister revoked the deportation order signed in respect of him. The person was also notified that the Minister was proposing to make another deportation order in respect of him and that he was entitled to make additional written representations within 15 working days setting out the reasons he should be allowed leave to remain in the State. Representations have been made on the person's behalf, arguing why he should not be deported. I expect the case file to be submitted to me for consideration shortly and the man in question will be informed of my decision in due course.

Question No. 492 answered with QuestionNo. 489.