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Social Welfare Benefits.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 June 2004

Tuesday, 15 June 2004

Questions (63)

Ciarán Cuffe


111 Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the number of citizens of new European Union member countries who have sought assistance from her Department since 1 May 2004; and the number who have not qualified for such assistance. [17725/04]

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Since 1 May 2004, applicants for a range of social assistance payments and child benefit must satisfy the condition of being habitually resident in this country to qualify for payment. In the period 1 May 2004 to 10 June 2004, a total of 150 claims involving persons from the ten former accession countries have been received for decision in the central unit of my Department. The habitual residence condition has been satisfied in 61 of these cases and the remainder are pending decision or awaiting further information.

In addition to these 150 cases involving habitual residence, there have been 88 applications made for unemployment benefit from the ten former accession countries. Of these cases, 48 have been awarded, 39 are pending a decision, and one has been disallowed. Unemployment benefit is not subject to the habitual residence condition. I am arranging for a note detailing the relevant payment schemes and salient features of the habitual residence condition to be forwarded to the Deputy.
