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Educational Projects.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 June 2004

Tuesday, 22 June 2004

Questions (164)

Jan O'Sullivan


155 Ms O’Sullivan asked the Minister for Education and Science when he will make a decision on the submission of music network and the Donegal local music education services pilot proposal which was submitted in March 2004 to begin the implementation of a national system of local music education services; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18493/04]

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I am aware of the music network report which recommended the establishment on a phased basis of 24 local music education partnerships in collaboration with the VECs and county and city development boards to provide for a national system of music education services. The partnerships would provide for tuition in instrumental and vocal music performance for children and adults as well as curriculum supports for the school system. The Donegal submission proposed a pilot of the model set out in the national report to cater for the Donegal region. My Department has been examining the scope for an initial development in this area and I will inform the Deputy of the outcome of this process.
