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Recognition of Qualifications.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 24 June 2004

Thursday, 24 June 2004

Questions (113)

Arthur Morgan


113 Mr. Morgan asked the Minister for Education and Science if his Department recognises third level qualifications held by persons who gained those qualifications in recognised British universities; if there is a system in place which requires the holders of such qualifications to be assessed by his Department; and the reason for this system and if it amounts to a failure of his Department to recognise qualifications from competent third level institutions in Britain. [18898/04]

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A general system for mutual recognition of professional qualifications is provided for under the EU Directives 89/48/EEC, 92/51/EEC and 2001/19/EEC and transposed into national law by my Department by means of Statutory Instruments No. 1 of 1991, No. 135 of 1995 and No. 36 of 2004.

This system applies to persons who have gained professional recognition in an EU member state and who wish to undertake that profession in another member state of the EU. The system provides that such professionals can apply to the designated competent authority for equivalent professional recognition in a host member state. Individual applications are assessed by the appropriate regulatory body in the host member state within the regulations governing admission to the particular profession in that state.

Where the competent authority establishes that there are substantial differences between the professional qualifications held by the applicant and those required of that profession in the host member state, a compensatory measure may be imposed, satisfactory completion of which must precede the grant of recognition.

In the case of recognition of secondary teachers, the competent authority in this State is the Registration Council. Applications for the recognition of qualifications for the purpose of registration are considered by the council at meetings that take place on a regular basis. In order for the council to assess the suitability of qualifications for teaching purposes, full details of the courses of study pursued must be submitted. A decision of the council is issued to an applicant within four months of receipt of a fully completed application for recognition together with all necessary supporting documentation.

The council will afford provisional recognition to an applicant on submission of an application supported by satisfactory documentary evidence of the applicant's professional standing as a second level teacher from a competent authority in another member state. This will allow the applicant to seek employment in State funded teaching positions in second level schools pending a decision of the Registration Council. However, failure to satisfactorily complete any compensatory measures imposed will lead to the withdrawal of provisional recognition.

If the Deputy has a particular person in mind he might refer him or her to the secretariat of the Registration Council at the offices of my Department in Athlone, where he or she will be advised as to how to apply for recognition of the qualifications in question.
