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Refugee Status.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 24 June 2004

Thursday, 24 June 2004

Questions (139)

Billy Timmins


139 Mr. Timmins asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position in relation to an application for refugee status from a person (details supplied); when this will be granted; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18905/04]

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The person in question arrived in the State on 13 January 1999 and claimed asylum. The Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner recommended that he should not be declared as a refugee and he was notified of this recommendation on 24 August 2001. He then appealed this recommendation to the Refugee Appeals Tribunal. Following an oral hearing, the original recommendation was affirmed and he was informed of this decision on 10 September 2002. On 13 November 2002, the applicant was granted leave in the High Court to initiate judicial review proceedings against the decision of the Refugee Appeals Tribunal. In a High Court judgment delivered on 25 June 2003 the decision of the Refugee Appeals Tribunal was upheld.

In accordance with section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999, the person concerned was informed on 8 July 2003 that it was proposed to make a deportation order in his case. He was given the options of making representations within 15 working days setting out the reasons he should not be deported, that is, be allowed to remain temporarily in the State; leave the State voluntarily before the order was made; or consent to the making of a deportation order. Representations have been received on behalf of the person concerned. His file will be considered within the terms of section 3(6) of the Immigration Act, 1999 and section 5 of the Refugee Act 1996 — prohibition of refoulement. I expect his case file to be submitted to me for consideration shortly.
