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State Visits.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 24 June 2004

Thursday, 24 June 2004

Questions (29)

Dan Neville


24 Mr. Neville asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will report on the recent visit of the Chinese Premier, Mr. Wen Jiabao to Ireland; and if the practice of Falun Dafa was discussed with him. [18783/04]

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The Chinese Premier visited Ireland on 11 and 12 May as part of his first official visit to Europe. On 11 May he held official talks with the Taoiseach at Dublin Castle and I also attended. Premier Wen was accompanied by Foreign Minister, Mr. Li Ziaoxing, Minister of Commerce, Mr. Bo Xilai, and Minister for National Development, Mr. Ma Kai. We discussed regional and international issues of common concern, Ireland's bilateral relations with China, EU-China relations and political co-operation.

We also raised the issue of the human rights situation in China. It is frequently discussed with the Chinese authorities at national and EU level. During the discussions we outlined Ireland's strong commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Both sides expressed their ongoing commitment to the EU-China human rights dialogue. It is the formal framework through which the EU raises its concerns about human rights cases, including those of Falun Gong practitioners, and more general issues that have a particular impact on practitioners for example, the protection of freedom of religion and expression. We also emphasised that Ireland is willing to share our experience and expertise with China on human rights. We look forward to the first EU-China seminar on ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that will take place from 30 June to 1 July in Beijing. The early ratification of the ICCPR would also be an important development in the legal protection of the civil and political freedoms of Chinese citizens, including followers of Falun Gong.

Both sides agreed on the importance of co-operation and dialogue in working together to bring about respect for international obligations. Premier Wen noted that the continuing EU-China human rights dialogue was particularly useful in this regard. He reported on the measures his Government are taking in the field of human rights. They included the addition of an express provision on human rights into China's constitution earlier this year.
