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Educational Disadvantage.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 29 June 2004

Tuesday, 29 June 2004

Questions (240)

Jim O'Keeffe


238 Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for Education and Science the details of the personnel or consultants involved in the review of educational disadvantage schemes; the modus operandi used in this review; if individual schools involved in these schemes have been consulted; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19583/04]

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Since my appointment as Minister for Education and Science, I have made it clear that addressing educational disadvantage is my top priority. By ensuring that available educational resources are targeted at the most disadvantaged people in the education system at all levels, my objective is to ensure that all young people leave the education system with a high quality education and related qualifications to support their full participation in society and in the economy.

My Department operates a wide range of programmes specifically designed to tackle educational disadvantage and one of my key concerns is to ensure that a fully integrated and cohesive overall strategy is adopted in this area for the future. To this end, the educational disadvantage committee, which is an independent statutory body chaired by Professor Áine Hyland, vice-president and professor of education, University College Cork, undertook a root and branch review of the Department's existing educational disadvantage programmes at my request. The recommendations from this process, and those arising from a forum on educational disadvantage organised by the committee, have helped to inform the review. The Educational Research Centre has also been engaged to assist in this regard. Individual schools involved in educational disadvantage schemes have had an input to the review process. The review is currently being finalised and I will be making an announcement in this regard once it has been completed.
