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Coastal Erosion.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 29 June 2004

Tuesday, 29 June 2004

Questions (36)

Ruairí Quinn


30 Mr. Quinn asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if his attention has been drawn to the concerns expressed by a person (details supplied) at the implications for coastal erosion of climate change; when he expects to bring forward the proposed coastal zone management legislation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19217/04]

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My Department is aware of concerns expressed at the implications for coastal erosion of climate change. A report was commissioned by the Environmental Protection Agency on the general implications of climate change for Ireland and my Department provided coastal elevation data for the coastal part of that study. The results of the study are currently being examined by the Department in the context of the national coastal protection strategy study initiated by the Department in 2002 and which is currently in progress. This study will seek to identify the most effective means, technically, financially and environmentally in responding to particular instances and types of erosion in Ireland. It is expected that when this study is completed a more targeted approach to programme delivery will result in a fewer number of schemes being funded per year but will enable greater level of efficiency to be achieved.

In May 2002, a recommendation towards the development of an integrated coastal zone management strategy was adopted by the EU Council of Ministers for the Environment. This calls, in particular, on member states to carry out a stock take of the laws, institutions and actors that impact the coastal zone and to draw up a national strategy or strategies for integrated coastal zone management. The recommendation also establishes a number of broad principles on which such strategies should be based. A report on the action taken has to be submitted to the European Commission by February 2006.

My Department has indicated its intention to publish during 2004 legislative proposals for the consolidation and modernisation of the law on foreshore administration and to support the development and operation of more integrated approaches to the management of coastal areas and their resources.
