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Sport and Recreational Development.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 1 July 2004

Thursday, 1 July 2004

Questions (39)

Jan O'Sullivan


28 Ms O’Sullivan asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he has received a copy of the Football Association of Ireland’s technical development plan for player development over the next five years; the level of support the Government will provide to the FAI for the implementation of this plan in order to enhance the football community here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19733/04]

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I have received a copy of the plan in question which has just been published by the Football Association of Ireland. I welcome the association's comprehensive plans for the future of its sport and ongoing commitment to the development of football in this country. In particular, I recognise its efforts in providing quality opportunities for participation for more young people in their own communities countrywide. Last week, I announced an allocation of €2 million from the Irish Sports Council to the FAI for 2004 aimed at supporting its technical development plan with a special emphasis on participation in soccer at under age level.

This brings to €6.3 million the total allocated to the FAI since the introduction in 2001 of the special budgetary measure for the encouragement of greater under age participation in the four major field sports. The investment supports the council's strategic objectives of increasing opportunities to participate in sport, particularly for school aged children. Under the national lottery funded sports capital programme, which is administered by my Department, funding is allocated to sporting and community organisations at local, regional and national level throughout the country. The programme is advertised annually. Two sports capital grants of €225,000 in 2003 and €100,000 in 2004 have been allocated to the FAI towards the provision of equipment required for its development programmes.

The sports capital funding allocations since 1998 to projects classified as soccer projects, including the FAI's regional development centres, Eircom League clubs, district junior and schoolboy leagues and clubs and some municipal community soccer facilities are as follows: 1998, €0.89 million; 1999, €4.10 million; 2000, €6.92 million; 2001, €8.62 million; 2002, €19.98 million; and 2003, €9.17 million. On 7 May I announced provisional funding allocations totalling €50.8 million, of which €8.05 million was for soccer projects under the 2004 sports capital programme. I will shortly make further announcements under the 2004 programme in respect of funding for projects of major significance which, while meeting local needs, will also add considerably to the national and regional sporting infrastructure necessary for increasing levels of participation and improving standards of performance.

My Department and the Irish Sports Council will continue to work closely with the governing bodies of sport, including the FAI, in the provision of appropriate facilities and programmes aimed at increased participation, the raising of standards of performance and the achievement of excellence in top level national and international sport by our leading sports men and women.

Question No. 29 answered with QuestionNo. 12.