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Animal Feedstuffs.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 6 July 2004

Tuesday, 6 July 2004

Questions (173)

Bernard J. Durkan


206 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he has satisfied himself that all bonemeal imports into this country have ceased; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20538/04]

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Importation of meat and bonemeal or such products for any purpose to do with the farm animal and human food chain is prohibited. Under Community rules the importation of such products which have already been incorporated within pet foods and which are destined for meat eating animals is provided for subject to certain conditions. Data supplied by the Central Statistics Office indicates that the total quantity of pet food imported into this country during 2003 was 42,411 tonnes.

Importers of pet foods are required to register with my Department and give at least 24 hours notice of intention to import. In the case of pet food originating from an EU source it must come from an approved establishment and be accompanied to its destination with a commercial document or a health certificate signed by an official veterinarian on the competent authority of the member state of origin. In the case of importation from third countries it can only be imported under licence. In such cases it must originate in a country approved by the EU for trade in such products, have been produced in an approved establishment and be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance the provisions of Community legislation.
