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Fishing Industry Development.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 6 July 2004

Tuesday, 6 July 2004

Questions (290)

Enda Kenny


323 Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if he has received representations from a company (details supplied) in respect of wild oyster resources, if he has examined the claims of the company involved; and if he would make a statement on the matter in respect of progress achieved to deal with their concerns. [20280/04]

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Representations have been received from the association in question, in relation to the wild oyster resource in the area with which they are concerned.

While the issues and concerns raised by the association have been noted, I am advised that there is no evidence of any dredging activity which would be harmful to the oyster beds.

I have, however, asked my Department to arrange to meet the association, so as to afford them an opportunity to elaborate on the matters they have raised in their correspondence and to furnish any further information they wish to put forward on these issues.
