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Indemnity Agreement.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 8 July 2004

Thursday, 8 July 2004

Questions (123)

Ciarán Cuffe


117 Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Education and Science the lands within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council area which are the subject of the settlement with the religious orders. [21177/04]

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The indemnity agreement provided that the property contribution of the congregations was to be divided into two separate and distinct schedules of properties. The first is the properties to be transferred from the congregations to the State, State agencies and local authorities after the date of the signing of the indemnity agreement on 5 June 2002. The total value of these property transfers for the purposes of the indemnity agreement was to be €36.54 million. I can confirm that agreement in principle has been reached with the religious congregations on the transfer of properties to that amount.

The second category consists of properties transferred from the congregations to the State, State agencies, local authorities or voluntary organisations between 11 May 1999 and the date of the signing of the indemnity agreement on 5 June 2002. The total value of these property transfers for the purposes of the indemnity agreement was to be €40.32 million. At this stage, transfers of properties to the value of approximately €27 million have been agreed in principle. A number of other properties have been identified which have the potential to finalise this schedule in the near future. I do not intend to give details regarding the identity of individual properties at this point. However, I hope to be in a position to publish the full list of properties in the very near future.
