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Archaeological Licences.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 8 July 2004

Thursday, 8 July 2004

Questions (334)

Ciarán Cuffe


334 Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he has satisfied himself that an adequate filing system exists for reports submitted under the terms of archaeological licenses issued by Dúchas; the percentage of reports which have been submitted for digs completed by the end of 2001; and the provision which is made for access to these reports by the general public. [21180/04]

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My Department has been working to improve and update its records of reports submitted under the terms of archaeological licences. The services of a consultant archaeologist have been engaged to pursue this matter actively, following a recent circular letter which has issued to all licensed archaeologists seeking outstanding reports. The Department's database indicates that 87.9% of reports due have been submitted for archaeological digs completed by the end of 2001. This positions Ireland in the range of better European performance in this matter.

Summary reports for excavations up the end of 2001 are currently available on the website. Provision for access to examine the full reports is available to the public by prior appointment with my Department. My Department has recently selected a successful tenderer for the development of an “Archaeology of Ireland” website. It is planned that public access to archaeological excavation reports will also be provided through this website when completed.
