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Prison Location.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 8 July 2004

Thursday, 8 July 2004

Questions (40)

Trevor Sargent


32 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views on whether moving the prison facility provided at Mountjoy to a location adjacent to the M50 may result in significant hardship to visitors, in view of the fact that such a location will be a considerable distance away from the city, may will not be accessible by public transport, and will lead to further gentrification within Dublin city centre. [20820/04]

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The Office of Public Works was asked earlier this year to assist in the identification of possible sites for a complex to replace the current prison facilities centred around Mountjoy Prison. The OPW subsequently made inquiries, that included the placing of advertisements in the national press, and arising from this process approximately 30 potential sites have been submitted for consideration.

In view of the importance of identifying the most appropriate site, and in the light of the large number of potential sites, I have established an expert group. It shall be chaired by my Department with input from the OPW and the Irish Prison Service. It shall examine the potential sites on the basis of comprehensive and objective criteria and to report back to me. I propose to await the results of the deliberations of this group before proceeding further.

I do not accept the Deputy's assertions that a new location for the Mountjoy complex will result in significant hardship to visitors. Obviously any change in location may inconvenience visitors who reside in the immediate proximity of the current site but equally a new site may prove more convenient for visitors from other areas. One of the factors that will be taken into consideration in selecting a new site will be its accessibility, including public transport links.

I do not propose to comment on the Deputy's assertion that the relocation of the Mountjoy complex will lead to further gentrification within Dublin city centre. My primary concern is the future health and welfare of those persons held in the Mountjoy complex. The total Mountjoy complex occupies circa 16 acres most of which is covered by buildings. Open space is at a premium and the sanitary arrangements do not meet modern standards. I have been advised that it is only on a new, much larger site that the 1,000 or so prisoners held in the Mountjoy complex can be detained in facilities appropriate to modern day standards.
