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Diplomatic Representation.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 29 September 2004

Wednesday, 29 September 2004

Questions (155)

John Gormley


337 Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the progress that has been made on the release of a person (details supplied) by FARC guerrillas; if the Government has made any representations on this matter; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21671/04]

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My Department monitors the situation in Colombia, including the question of hostages, through our embassy in Mexico City, which is also accredited to Colombia, as well as through our EU partners with resident diplomatic missions in that country. As the House is aware from my replies to previous questions on this subject, Ms Ingrid Betancourt — a candidate in the 2002 Colombian presidential election — was kidnapped by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, on 23 February 2002. She remains in FARC captivity, along with a large number of other hostages.

The Colombian Government made an offer on 23 July this year to the FARC leadership for the exchange of 59 prisoners, including Ms. Betancourt, in return for some 50 FARC prisoners, provided that none of the latter had been found guilty of murder or kidnapping. The initial response by FARC to this offer was to dismiss it. However, they have subsequently suggested the suspension of military operations for 72 hours in order to enable them to meet with the government's peace commissioner to discuss details of the proposed exchange. The Colombian Government is currently considering its response to this proposal.

Earlier this year during the Irish Presidency of the European Union, the General Affairs and External Relations Council, GAERC, underlined the European Union's view of the importance of a rapid release of all remaining hostages and kidnapped persons. I hope that progress can now be made in contacts, being facilitated by Switzerland and others, between the Colombian Government and the rebels and that this will result in the release of the kidnap victims, including Ingrid Betancourt.
