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Higher Education Grants.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 29 September 2004

Wednesday, 29 September 2004

Questions (269)

Paul McGrath


449 Mr. P. McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Science the reason a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath is not entitled to a top-up grant for their college studies based on the fact that they are in receipt of an independent mature student’s grant and have no other form of income. [21932/04]

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The report of the action group on access to third level education made detailed recommendations concerning the introduction of special rates of maintenance grants for disadvantaged students, usually referred to as top-up grants. To qualify for the special rate of maintenance grant a candidate must meet a number of conditions, one of which is that he or she must already qualify for one of my Department's ordinary maintenance grants. My Department funds three means-tested maintenance grant schemes for third level education students in respect of attendance on approved courses in approved third level institutions and one grant scheme in respect of post leaving certificate courses — the higher education grants scheme; the vocational education committees' scholarship scheme; the third level maintenance grants scheme for trainees; and the maintenance grants scheme for students attending post leaving certificate, PLC, courses.

Where a student is already in receipt of a grant under one of these schemes, he or she may apply to the relevant local authority or VEC for the special rate of grant. Decisions on applications are taken by these bodies, based on the conditions and terms issued by my Department. These bodies do not refer individual applications to my Department except, in exceptional cases, where, for example, advice or instruction regarding a particular condition is desired. No such advice or instruction has, to date, been sought in the case of the student referred to by the Deputy.

If an individual applicant considers that he or she has been unjustly refused the special rate of maintenance grant, he or she may appeal to the relevant local authority or VEC. Where an individual applicant has had an appeal turned down, in writing, by the relevant local authority or VEC, and remains of the view that the body has not interpreted the conditions correctly in his or her case, a letter outlining the position may be sent to my Department. No appeal has been received in the student support unit of my Department from the student referred to by the Deputy. Alternatively, the local authority or VEC may, in exceptional circumstances, seek clarification on issues from my Department. It is not open to me, or my Department, to depart from the terms of the schemes in individual cases.
