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Departmental Websites.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 29 September 2004

Wednesday, 29 September 2004

Questions (930)

Paul McGrath


1113 Mr. P. McGrath asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform regarding his Department website, the number of persons who have responsibility for upgrading the website and eliminating outdated and often inaccurate information. [22201/04]

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Material is prepared in all divisions of the Department in respect of their functional areas and sent for publication. All material published on the site is signed off by an officer, of at least assistant principal level, who is responsible for the area in question. A number of people in the press office and IT divisions have the capacity to publish this material directly. I am not aware of any inaccurate or outdated information on the site, but I would take steps to rectify such issues if they were brought to my attention.

The site has recently been redesigned and went live earlier in the year. The new site is a content management solution. It adopts a more structured approach towards information retrieval for the end user. I believe that we have divided the services offered by my Department in the most meaningful way possible for easy access to the site's large amount of information. The site also includes a comprehensive search facility, a site map and an area on the home page which links to the most recent press releases and publications published by the Department.
