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Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 30 September 2004

Thursday, 30 September 2004

Questions (40)

Joan Burton


35 Ms Burton asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he has received the report of the NESC on housing and building land; when it is expected that the report will be published; if he has completed his consideration of the results of the research he commissioned from a company (details supplied) into the ownership and control of building land in certain development areas, particularly Dublin, to determine whether current practices are retarding the overall delivery of building land or impeding long term market stability; when the results of the research will be published; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22560/04]

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I refer to the reply to priority Question No. 5 on today's Order Paper.

Question No. 36 re-submitted.