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Rural Environment Protection Scheme.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 30 September 2004

Thursday, 30 September 2004

Questions (92)

Seymour Crawford


93 Mr. Crawford asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason she urged farmers to apply for the REP scheme and yet failed to provide the staff and overtime to allow the files to be processed; her views on whether farmers have a right to feel aggrieved that moneys due to them in July 2004 have still not been paid three months later; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [23024/04]

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Farmers were encouraged to join REPS 3 at an early date so that they could enjoy the benefits of higher payment rates and a more farmer-friendly scheme. I fully endorse that advice.

Under the terms of the protocol on direct payments to farmers, agreed between my Department and the farming organisations, targets are set for the processing of REPS applications and payments. These targets are being met in all but a very few cases. My Department has already made 500 payments to farmers in REPS 3, out of a total of approximately 2,500 applications for REPS that are currently being processed. Over 250 more applications are approved as of today and REPS 3 payments will continue to be approved and issued on a continuous basis from now on.

Payments to farmers in REPS 2 have continued to issue throughout the summer in the normal way. Farmers who have indicated a wish to transform from REPS 2 to REPS 3 have had their REPS 2 payments processed normally and will receive top-up payments to REPS 3 rates in the coming months.
