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Planning Issues.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 14 October 2004

Thursday, 14 October 2004

Questions (175)

David Stanton


175 Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the regulations and guidelines in place to ensure that civic and social amenities are put in place in conjunction with housing development; if he has satisfied himself that any such guidelines or regulations are being followed; his plans to examine the need for civic and social amenities in communities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [24888/04]

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Section 10(2) (j) and (l) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 requires planning authorities to include in their development plans objectives for the preservation, improvement and extension of amenities and recreational amenities, and also for the provision of services for the community including, in particular, schools, crèches and other education and child care facilities.

I intend to issue draft guidelines on development plans shortly, which will emphasise the consideration that needs to be given to the future availability of, or the capacity to provide, supporting infrastructure, such as community facilities, health care, education, public open space, retail and other service provision and public transport when allocating land for development. These guidelines will support planning authorities in ensuring that such facilities are put in place in parallel with new development, through the development control process.

I am satisfied that these provisions, underpinned by the new guidelines, will help to ensure that the necessary social and community facilities complement future developments.
