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Departmental Staff.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 October 2004

Thursday, 21 October 2004

Questions (215)

Jim O'Keeffe


215 Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Dúchas underwater heritage unit; and the details of its staffing and budget. [25894/04]

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Responsibility for the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004 rests with my Department and these, inter alia, provide for the protection of the underwater archaeological heritage.

Under these Acts, it is an offence to tamper with, damage or remove any part of a wreck or archaeological object, or carry out diving directed to the exploration of a wreck or archaeological object without a licence issued by my Department. In addition, the National Monuments Acts provide powers of search and seizure to the Garda Síochána on foot of a search warrant issued by the District Court, where the court is satisfied, by information on oath and in writing furnished by a member of the Garda Síochána there are reasonable grounds for believing that evidence relating to the commission of an offence under the National Monuments Acts is to be found.

The underwater archaeology unit is part of the heritage and planning division of my Department. Its main duties involve: compiling and publishing an inventory of shipwrecks around our coast; advising on applications to remove or to dive on wrecks; assessing development-related impacts on underwater archaeological sites; undertaking archaeological surveys of wreck sites in order to assess their nature and condition and to devise appropriate management strategies for them; and examining threats to underwater sites when reported and assisting the Garda Síochána in carrying out its role.

The underwater archaeology unit has a staff of three archaeologists who are proficient in diving. Excluding salaries and travel and subsistence, the unit has been assigned a budget of €170,000 for 2004 to cover equipment, survey work, dive bursaries for the training of external archaeologists and other expenditure.
