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Energy Resources.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 October 2004

Thursday, 21 October 2004

Questions (77)

Paul Kehoe


57 Mr. Kehoe asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the way in which energy costs in this country compare with those prevailing in other EU and non-EU countries; the way in which this affects industrial costs here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25814/04]

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Energy costs primarily relate to the market prices of fuels and the capital and operating costs of energy providers, matters in which I have no function. Costs to industry generally are a matter for my colleague, the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment. However, Sustainable Energy Ireland has informed me that it will publish a report within the next two weeks providing analysis on the effect of price changes on industry's cost base.

I understand the report will show that energy costs are less than 4% of direct costs for 92% of all industrial enterprises. These enterprises account for 96% of the value added generated by manufacturing industry while accounting for 96% of industrial employment. About 54 enterprises have an energy bill greater than 10% of their costs and they account for 1.1% of the value added generated by industry.

The following comparisons for the EU-15 countries is based on the most recent data from EUROSTAT, the statistical office of the European Communities. Electricity prices, ex VAT, to industry were 23.7% higher in Ireland than the EU average during the first half of 2004. Fuel oil prices, ex VAT, to industry were 8.3% lower in Ireland than the EU average during the first half of 2003 — latest available data. Gas prices, ex VAT, to industry were 3.1% higher in Ireland than the EU average during the second half of 2003 — latest available data. Automotive diesel prices, all taxes included, were 0.6% lower than the EU average during the first half of 2004. Electricity prices, VAT included, to households were 2.4% higher in Ireland than the EU average during the first half of 2004. Heating oil prices, VAT included, to households were 4.1% lower in Ireland than the EU average during the first half of 2004. Natural gas prices, VAT included, to households were 19.6% lower in Ireland than the EU average during the first half of 2004. Premium unleaded petrol prices, all taxes included, were 10.6% lower in Ireland than the EU average during the first half of 2004 and were 20.1% lower than the UK during the same period.

With regard to non-EU countries, it is not practical or accurate to make comparisons due to the differences in tariffs and the lack of comparable data.
