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Third Level Funding.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 27 October 2004

Wednesday, 27 October 2004

Questions (33)

Liz McManus


135 Ms McManus asked the Minister for Education and Science if she has plans to deal with overcrowding in a college (details supplied) in Dublin 8 which is in need of capital funding to expand campus facilities; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [26109/04]

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Officials from my Department and the Higher Education Authority recently met with the college referred to by the Deputy to discuss the future development of the campus.

The proposals from the college concerned include major developments which involve restoration of a listed building, provision of new buildings, and the acquisition of land to facilitate the proposed construction. The college authorities are currently in the process of finalising its capital development proposals. Elements of the overall development package are being considered for implementation under a public private partnership, PPP, type programme and this will require further assessment.

Along with all other third level colleges the college submitted its proposals to the third level capital review group. The review group in its recently published report recommended funding for the restoration of the listed building and the purchase of the adjoining site.

While the review group accepted in principle that a further expansion of the college was necessary, the group considered it inappropriate to make a final recommendation on other proposed developments as an intended enabling land swap had not yet been completed and the PPP type funding mechanism has yet to be finalised.

I am currently considering the report and its overall proposals regarding capital funding for the third level sector including the college concerned. I do not expect to be in a position to indicate my response to the recommendations until the conclusion of the current Estimates and budgetary process in the coming weeks.
