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Cultural Institutions.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 28 October 2004

Thursday, 28 October 2004

Questions (230)

Tony Gregory


230 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he will make a statement on the implementation of the National Cultural Institutions Act 1997, with regards to the National Library of Ireland and the National Museum of Ireland; the additional staff resources that have been put in place for the proper running of these institutions; the way in which the implementation of the Act will effect the status of existing staff members; the measures that have been put in place for the safety and maintenance of the collections; if he has satisfied himself that all reasonable provisions have been or will be made for the proper maintenance of the buildings, public liability insurance; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26551/04]

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My Department has been working closely with the National Library and the National Museum to achieve implementation with effect from 1 January next of the key sections of the National Cultural Institutions Act 1997. This will mean that the National Library of Ireland and the National Museum of Ireland will become non-commercial semi-State bodies from this date, with statutory boards. It is my intention in the context of the 2005 Estimates process to seek a level of funding for both institutions which would permit them to discharge fully their current functions together with the additional administrative responsibilities, that they will be required to discharge as a result of autonomy.

Implementation of the Act will affect the existing staff members in two ways. First, under section 30(4) of the Act, those members of staff who are engaged for the performance of duties exclusively in the museum or library, as the case may be, shall, with effect from establishment day be transferred to, and become members of the staff of, the board of the museum or the board of the library. They will in effect become public servants from 1 January next.

Second, under section 31(1) of the Act, those staff serving in a general service capacity will be given an option to continue to work with their respective institution after establishment day, on a secondment basis, for a specified period of time within which they will be required to decide whether to transfer to the new boards or return to the general service. Details of this secondment arrangement are still being finalised.

In all cases where staff are transferred to the new boards, the Act provides that they shall not while in the service of the boards receive a lesser scale of pay or be made subject to less beneficial terms and conditions of service than those to which they were subject immediately before the establishment day.

The arrangements for safety of the collections, which are and will remain the property of the State, in both institutions will be no less than at present. Maintenance of the buildings will remain a function of the Office of Public Works. A financial provision will be made in the form of grant-in-aid to both new institutions to enable them take out their own insurance to cover public and employers' liability.
