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Airport Development Projects.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 2 November 2004

Tuesday, 2 November 2004

Questions (132)

Olwyn Enright


199 Ms Enright asked the Minister for Transport the funding which has been given to facilitate development and improvement project works to regional non-State owned airports under the current NDP; if a second round of funding is envisaged for such airports; when this will be allocated; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27011/04]

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Under the regional airports measure of the National Development Plan 2000-2006, funding has been made available towards infrastructural works and upgrades in facilities to maintain continued safe and viable operation of the six regional airports in Kerry, Waterford, Galway, Sligo, Knock, and Donegal.

The programme is being implemented under two separate rounds, the first covering the period 2000 to 2004 and the second covering 2004 to 2006. More than 30 projects were undertaken at the six regional airports under round one and grant aid of approximately €9 million has been paid to the various airport companies to date.

Round two of the regional airports measure of the NDP was launched recently and the six regional airports have submitted their applications for funding under this round. These applications are currently being assessed and it is anticipated that decisions on these applications will be taken shortly.

The level of funding available for approved projects under round two will have to be carefully assessed in the light of prevailing Exchequer resources. My Department will continue to assist the regional airports as they develop into the future. However, financial assistance will be carefully evaluated in line with the general scale of operations at the airports and wider aviation and transport policy.
