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Departmental Staff.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 2 November 2004

Tuesday, 2 November 2004

Questions (424)

John McGuinness


497 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if there is a dedicated auditing unit in his Department assessing and monitoring the day-to-day spend of his Department with particular reference to major projects; if so, the number of staff involved; if the staff have accountancy qualifications; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26852/04]

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My Department has an internal audit unit which, is responsible for giving assurance to the accounting officer on the existence, adequacy and effectiveness of the Department's internal control and risk management systems. In discharging this responsibility the Unit carries out a programme of systems-based audits in all areas of the Department. In compliance with EU regulations this unit also audits the manner in which the Department manages EU co-funded operations including major projects.

Most of my Department's spending on major projects is channelled through implementing local authorities. Expenditure at this level is subject to audit both by the local authorities' own internal audit functions and by the external local government auditors based in the local government audit service. The internal audit unit in my Department currently has three serving officers and it is intended to increase this number shortly. Two of these staff have professional accounting and auditing qualifications relevant to the work of the unit.

In addition one staff member in the water services investment programme unit is exclusively engaged in verification and systems audits of water services capital projects which have attracted EU co-financing. The person concerned is appropriately qualified.
