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National Aquatic Centre.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 17 November 2004

Wednesday, 17 November 2004

Questions (231)

Kathleen Lynch


271 Ms Lynch asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if his attention has been drawn to the concerns of persons with disabilities regarding the lack of adequate facilities for disabled persons at the newly opened national aquatic centre (details supplied); if he has satisfied himself that the centre conforms with all aspects of the Equal Status Act 2000; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29025/04]

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I have been made aware of the concerns regarding facilities for people with disabilities at the National Aquatic Centre. Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Limited, CSID, the company responsible for overseeing the National Aquatic Centre, has confirmed that all requirements under disability legislation were met in the course of the provision of this facility. I understand consultation took place between the providers and certain representatives of disability groups at the outset of the project. I am anxious to ensure that access to these splendid facilities is available to all. I have recently requested the board of CSID to investigate what further work could be carried out to meet the requirements of the group that have raised concerns regarding accessibility to the National Aquatic Centre.
