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Job Creation.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 17 November 2004

Wednesday, 17 November 2004

Questions (247)

Phil Hogan


282 Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if he will support the business community and local authorities in County Monaghan in developing industrial opportunities at Knockconny, Monaghan; the proposals he has to encourage IDA Ireland to implement a more RAPID programme of regional development in the context of stated policy for a number of years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28930/04]

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Support for job creation in Monaghan is a day-to-day operational matter for the industrial development agencies. IDA Ireland actively markets County Monaghan as a location for foreign direct investment through its network of overseas offices in order to secure new investment and jobs for the area, while Enterprise Ireland is unrelenting in its support for indigenous companies that want to expand and develop their competitiveness, innovation and export potential.

Work is underway to realise the county's potential through development objectives such as those set out in the national spatial strategy. This includes the selection of Monaghan as a hub town. Nationwide, we are accelerating delivery of economic infrastructure for businesses including broadband, roads, etc. One of the infrastructure areas of greatest importance to enterprise development nationally is telecommunications-broadband connectivity. This is an essential component of a knowledge-based economy and is of particular importance to business in locations with lower population density. Under the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, MANs — metropolitan area networks — programme, construction of the Monaghan MAN is due to commence in January 2005, with a completion date of September 2005. In addition, IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland are currently working with the Armagh Monaghan digital corridor project committee. The objective of this committee is to develop the Armagh and Monaghan areas into a cluster of ICT related industries.

The M-Tek building, located at Knockaconny, has been developed as a high technology enterprise centre which links, through the digital corridor, to the A-Tek building in Armagh. The county enterprise board, IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland assisted the Monaghan county enterprise fund to build the M-Tek building at Knockaconny. Enterprise Ireland contributed €126,974 towards its construction. Furthermore, the Knockaconny enterprise centre has to date attracted seven companies employing over 70 people. Space for further advance office building and technology units has been granted planning permission at the site. In the context of a new bypass for Monaghan town, potential business park sites for IDA Ireland acquisition are being investigated.

The work of IDA Ireland in attracting FDI and encouraging new rounds of investment from within the existing population of overseas firms in Ireland is just one component of an interlocking network of activities being undertaken to expand employment opportunities and the capacity of the county to derive tangible benefits from local and regional development. The national development plan, EU operational programmes for which my Department is managing authority, the national spatial strategy and other strategic policies and investments all have an important role in this process.

I am satisfied that the continuing and intensive efforts of the agencies, the modification of enterprise policies to reflect the reality of the global marketplace and the ongoing commitment of the Government to regional development are positive supports to help stimulate further employment opportunities in the County Monaghan and the wider BMW region.

Questions Nos. 283 to 286, inclusive, answered with Question No. 277.