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Grant Payments.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 17 November 2004

Wednesday, 17 November 2004

Questions (325)

Liam Twomey


365 Dr. Twomey asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if she will investigate the case of a person (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [28874/04]

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EU Directive 64/432/EEC provides that, where an animal reacts positively to a TB test, two clear tests at two monthly intervals are required before the officially TB-free status of the holding can be restored. The directive, however, provides for a derogation from the second test provided certain conditions such as an epidemiological investigation and laboratory examinations on the carcass are fulfilled. This derogation is catered for under the Department's singleton policy which, among other things, provides that glands may be removed from the reactor post mortem and tested in a laboratory. On this occasion, the glands were not examined in the laboratory and therefore the herd must be subjected to two clear tests.

The herd of the person concerned had its first reactor re-test on 5 November 2004. This test was clear. The second reactor re-test is due to be conducted on 31 December 2004. If this test is clear, the holding will be de-restricted and the cattle passports will be returned to the person concerned. The person concerned may be eligible for a hardship grant and should submit an application immediately to his local district veterinary office. The hardship grant scheme is aimed at assisting eligible owners or keepers with a restricted holding where animals are retained and fed during periods of restriction. The eligibility period is between 1 November and 30 April, each year.
