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Bovine Diseases.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 18 November 2004

Thursday, 18 November 2004

Questions (14)

Joe Sherlock


13 Mr. Sherlock asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if she has received any report from her officials regarding the discovery of BSE in a goat in France; if she has examined the potential consequences for Irish agriculture of this development; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [29328/04]

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Following the findings by a research group in France that they suspect the presence of a TSE infection in a goat's brain which tests cannot distinguish from BSE, the European Commission submitted data received from the French authorities to the Community Reference Laboratory, CRL, for TSEs in Weybridge, England, for an evaluation by an expert panel. This panel will now examine the data from the research project and will advise the Commission on the significance of the findings and the need for any further work.

The Commission also sent the French research data to the European Food Safety Authority, EFSA, for its consideration. Once the CRL experts report, this will also be sent to the European Food Safety Authority. Based on the outcome of the CRL analysis, the Commission will ask EFSA for any necessary updates in its scientific risk assessment in respect of goats.

Pending receipt of the CRL's expert opinion and any follow-up EFSA opinion, the Commission has not proposed any further risk management measures beyond the extensive legislation already in force. The Commission, as well as keeping in close contact with the French authorities, is keeping the medical and veterinary authorities of the member states up-dated.

TSEs are transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, and include BSE in cattle, and scrapie in goats and sheep. The expert panel will evaluate the scientific evidence to see if it indicates the presence of BSE in the goat. The Community Reference Laboratory is expected to present its findings on 24 November 2004.
