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Services for People with Disabilities.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 November 2004

Tuesday, 23 November 2004

Questions (152)

David Stanton


196 Mr. Stanton asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children her policy in meeting the accommodation needs of persons with mental illness or intellectual disability; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [30184/04]

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It is the policy of my Department to transfer persons with an intellectual disability or autism from psychiatric hospitals and other inappropriate placements to more appropriate care settings. It is also policy to provide enhanced levels of service for persons with an intellectual disability and those with autism who are accommodated in psychiatric hospitals, those accommodated in de-designated units, which were formerly designated as psychiatric services and to others who moved some years ago from psychiatric hospitals to alternative accommodation which is now unsuitable for their needs. The national intellectual disability database report for 2003 identified a group of 307 individuals living in psychiatric hospitals in that year as requiring transfer from these locations to more appropriate accommodation. There is specific mention of this programme in the health strategy with a stated objective to complete the transfer of persons with intellectual disability from psychiatric hospitals as soon as possible and not later than 2006.

Between 1999 and 2003, additional revenue funding of €10.5 million and €28.4 million capital funding was allocated to the intellectual disabilities programme to provide more appropriate care settings for this group of clients. It is the intention to continue this programme in 2005 from within the additional funding of €40 million for new services for people with intellectual disabilities which was announced last week.
