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Garda Strength.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 November 2004

Tuesday, 23 November 2004

Questions (332)

Paul McGrath


381 Mr. P. McGrath asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform further to Parliamentary Question No. 293 of 12 October 2004, if he is unable to give the population of gardaí in sub-districts and the way in which he can thus ensure that Garda resources are allocated appropriately in heavily populated areas; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29838/04]

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Population statistics do not correlate to Garda sub-district boundaries. Following each census of population the Central Statistics Office, on completing its analysis, supplies the Garda Síochána with population figures for each Garda division and district only. The 1996 data is the most recent available, as the breakdown from the 2002 census has not yet been supplied. However, in conjunction with the CSO, a programme is underway to further sub-divide the 2002 data. This will enable the Garda Síochána to quantify the population of Garda sub-districts. It is expected that this additional information will be available in early 2005. District and divisional data will continue to be produced.

I have been informed by the Garda authorities, who are responsible for the detailed allocation of resources, that Garda personnel allocation throughout the country is continually monitored and reviewed by Garda management to ensure that the optimum use is made of Garda personnel. The Government has approved my proposal to increase the strength of the Garda Síochána to 14,000 members on a phased basis, in line with the agreed programme for Government commitment in this regard. This is a key commitment in the programme for Government, and its implementation will significantly strengthen the operational capacity of the force. The Garda Commissioner will now be drawing up plans on how best to distribute and manage these resources. However, the additional resources will be targeted at the areas of greatest need, as is envisaged in the programme for Government. The programme identifies areas with a significant drugs problem and a large number of public order offences, but it will be possible to address other priorities as well, such as the need to significantly increase the number of gardaí allocated to traffic duties. One thing I have promised is that the additional gardaí will not be put on administrative duties. They will be put directly into front line, operational, high visibility policing. They will have a real impact.
