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Prisons Inspectorate.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 November 2004

Tuesday, 23 November 2004

Questions (355)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


405 Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the reason for the delay in publishing the annual report for 2003 of the prisons inspectorate; when it is likely to be published; and if and when he will take the necessary steps to establish the prisons inspectorate as an independent statutory organisation with adequate resources. [30303/04]

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Under his terms of reference, the Inspector of Prisons and Places of Detention is required to submit a written report on his activities to the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform each year. I arranged for the publication of the first annual report of the inspector, which was provided in 2003. The inspector submitted his second annual report to my office in May 2004. The second report raises certain legal issues that need to be addressed, however. I am in correspondence with the inspector to ascertain if the issues can be resolved so that we can proceed to the publication phase as soon as possible.

The Inspector of Prisons and Places of Detention has a staff of three persons — a special adviser, an executive officer and a personal assistant — assigned to his office. The creation of additional posts in the Civil Service, including in the Inspector of Prisons and Places of Detention's office, is precluded by a Government decision taken in December 2002. The inspector also avails of the services of a number of experts in a range of fields to assist him in fulfilling his duties, as and when he believes it necessary and appropriate. The question of establishing independent inspection arrangements on a statutory basis is under consideration.
