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Departmental Programmes.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 November 2004

Tuesday, 23 November 2004

Questions (48)

Bernard Allen


93 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance the reason for the delay in publishing the public capital programme. [29898/04]

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There has been no delay in publishing the summary public capital programme, PCP. In accordance with normal practice, the 2005 summary PCP was published as part of the Abridged Estimates Volume, AEV, and presented to the Dáil on 18 November. As I indicated when publishing the AEV and summary PCP, I will be announcing a revised multi-annual capital envelope for 2005-09 on budget day.

The full public capital programme will as normal be published as a separate document along with the Revised Estimates Volume in February of next year.
