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Water and Sewerage Schemes.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 November 2004

Tuesday, 23 November 2004

Questions (573)

Michael Ring


623 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position with regard to a water scheme extension (details supplied) in County Mayo; when funding was applied for by the council for this project; when funding will be approved; and the expected start date of this extension. [29661/04]

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The extension of the Lough Mask regional water supply scheme from Shrah to Westport is included in my Department's water services investment programme 2004-2006 to commence construction in 2005. My Department approved the design report for the scheme last June and the submission of contract documents by Mayo County Council is now awaited.

The Louisburgh water supply scheme is also included in my Department's water services investment programme 2004-2006 to commence construction in 2005. Mayo County Council's design report for this scheme, and also for a proposed supply to Murrisk, is under examination in my Department and will be dealt with as quickly as possible.
