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Youth Services.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 25 November 2004

Thursday, 25 November 2004

Questions (46)

Tom Hayes


46 Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Education and Science the level of funding that will be made available to support youth work for 2005; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [30483/04]

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An additional amount of €5.265 million has been provided for youth services in 2005. This brings the total provision for 2005 up to €33,889,000. The 18% increase over the 2004 allocation represents an acknowledgement of the Government's commitment to youth work in Ireland.

The additional funding will cater for a number of developments under the Youth Work Act 2001 and the national youth work development plan.

The following measures will be addressed as a result of the additional funding: A further roll out of the provisions of the Youth Work Act 2001, including the appointment of an assessor of youth work; an expansion and development of the special projects for disadvantaged youth scheme; a review, upgrading and expansion of the youth information centre network; a funding review of youth work to be undertaken by consultants under the guidance of the national youth work advisory committee; an expansion of the national child protection training programme for those involved in the youth sector; and increased grants for the major national and regional youth work organisations funded under the youth service grant scheme and other youth schemes.
