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Employment Support Services.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 November 2004

Tuesday, 30 November 2004

Questions (291)

Michael Ring


345 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if he will examine the possibility of allowing persons who were in employment and due to either company closures or staff changes were made redundant, that these persons be allowed to qualify immediately for the back to education allowance rather than having to wait 15 months. [31385/04]

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The back to education allowance is a second chance education opportunities programme designed to encourage and facilitate people on certain social welfare payments to improve their skills and qualifications and, therefore, their prospects of returning to the active work force.

Currently, to qualify for participation an applicant must be, inter alia, in receipt of a relevant social welfare payment for at least six months. The qualifying period was increased from six months to 15 months for new applicants who commenced third level courses of study in September 2004.

The focus of the scheme has always been on those who have been out of employment for some time and who find it difficult to get a foothold in the labour market after a lengthy period of unemployment. People who have been recently employed are not in the target group for the scheme.

I am satisfied that, overall, the current arrangements ensure that the scheme supports those people who are most distant from the labour market and whose need is greatest.

I have undertaken a review of a number of specific social welfare measures that were introduced in 2004, including adjustments to the qualification criteria for the back to education allowance, and I expect that review will be completed shortly and the outcome announced.
