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National Disability Strategy.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 7 December 2004

Tuesday, 7 December 2004

Questions (163)

Ciarán Cuffe


183 Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the reason responsibility in the Disability Bill 2004 for personal advocacy services is given to Comhairle, while the Bill proposes that interpreting services be contracted out; if strict criteria will be attached to a service provider awarded the tender for interpreting services (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32053/04]

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The introduction of a personal advocacy service aimed specifically at people with disabilities is provided for in the Comhairle (Amendment) Bill 2004 which was published last September in conjunction with the Disability Bill 2004 as part of the Government's national disability strategy. Comhairle has a statutory remit in supporting the provision of independent information, advice and advocacy services in relation to the broad range of social services. There is an important link between the provision of information and advocacy in that access to information and the options flowing from that information are two key aspects of empowerment. This is particularly relevant in the case of people with disabilities for whom Comhairle has a specific remit. I am very pleased that this new personal advocacy service will be administered by Comhairle and I look forward to the speedy passage of the Comhairle (Amendment) Bill through the Oireachtas.

The proposed sign language interpretation service is not provided for in the Comhairle (Amendment) Bill 2004. It was considered that the provision of a service of that nature by way of primary legislation would not be the most effective way of delivering a sign language interpretation service. Where the provision of such a service is being contracted out to an appropriate and suitable service provider, normal public tendering procedures will be adhered to and the relevant contract conditions will require the provision of the best possible service having regard to the needs of those who will avail of the service.
