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Road Network.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 7 December 2004

Tuesday, 7 December 2004

Questions (45)

David Stanton


64 Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Transport if he has been in communication with or intends to communicate with the National Roads Authority and local authorities to discuss the need to ensure that roads and footpaths are accessible for those with mobility and sensory impairments; his further plans in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32386/04]

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The planning, design and implementation of national road improvement projects is a matter for the National Roads Authority, NRA, and the relevant local authority.

National roads are predominantly outside built up areas and, accordingly, the need to ensure that roads and footpaths are accessible for the mobility and sensory impaired does not normally arise in such circumstances. The NRA's design manual for roads and bridges also includes guidelines for national roads within urban areas. These require that particular attention be given to the needs of mobility and sensory impaired persons in the planning and construction of road works generally and, in particular, where pedestrian crossing facilities are being provided.

The guidelines require local authorities to take special care so as to avoid steep or irregular gradients or sharp changes in the alignment of footpaths, which might prove deceptive to visually impaired persons. Local authorities are also required to ensure that "dished" kerbs are provided and that wheelchair ramps, constructed of non-slip material, are provided at pedestrian crossing points, where possible. In addition, local authorities have been asked to consider reserving on-street car parking spaces for mobility impaired drivers.
